Fima’s Story, memoir partially edited by Mike Maidenberg (View PDF)
Yefim Rozenberg, whom all know as Fima, is the grandson of Malkeh Maidenberg, eldest of the seven children of Solomon and Perel. His mother was Frida Balaban, his father was David Rozenberg. (Because Fima has choosen to spell his last name with a “z”, this practice is followed. Others in the family go by “Rosenberg.”)
Fima’s detailed, heart-wrenching memoir provides a powerful insight into the lives of those in our family who did not emigrate to America or Canada, but who remained in Russia and the Soviet Union. They faced first the onslaught of the Nazi invasion, then the rebuilding of the country, then the privations (but also possibilities of the Soviet system.)
The memoir was written in Russian. It was translated into English in Odessa. Mike Maidenberg, second cousin of Fima, edited the first part of the memoir, and intends to edit the entire work. The facts have not been changed, only the wording and flow.

Map Showing Key Places Mentioned in this Memoir