The five daughters of Solomon and Perel

Solomon and Perel

The Patriarch and Matriarch: Solomon was a tobacco merchant in Dzigovka. Solomon is said to have had a “gymnasieh” (high school) education, and could read and write Russian and Hebrew. The Russian authorities considered him a leader of the community, and he was called upon to act as a rabbi or judge. A family memory is that he was the son of a rabbi. Read more…

Malkeh and Elly

Line of Malkeh

Malkeh Maidenberg and Eliyahu (Elly) Balaban: Malkeh was the eldest of Solomon and Perel’s seven children. She was the second wife of Elly Balaban, and mother of Frida, which makes her Fima’s grandmother. Read more…

Goldeh Maidenberg

Line of Goldeh

Goldeh Maidenberg, unknown husband and son Golya: Little is known about Goldeh. She died in childbirth. Fanya (May, 1996) said that Goldeh’s husband was from Odessa and lived there after Goldeh died. There is no record of the husband’s name. Read more…

David and Rose at 1124 Euclid

Line of David

David Maidenberg and Rosa Vinokur: We know only fragments of David’s and Rosa’s lives in Russia before they emigrated to America in 1906. We do know they left the shtetls of their birth, and moved to Odessa, where they met and married. Read more…

Joseph in prime of life

Line of Joseph

Joseph Maidenberg and Hannah Marmor: Joseph was the link between the Maidenbergs who remained in Russia/U.S.S.R. and the two families which emigrated, his older brother David and his younger sister Esther. Read more…

Melech, Elkeh, Dora, Fanya, 1941

Line of Elkeh

Elkeh Maidenberg and Melech Perelroisen: Elkeh lived in the Soviet Union (in Chernigov, Ukraine) during the time of the letters from her older brother Joseph, but unlike her younger sister Malieh never corresponded. We do not know why, but it is possible she and her husband Melech Perelroisen were politically aware, and were cautious about exposing any links to America. Read more…

Esther and a friend

Line of Esther

Esther Maidenberg and Morris Rosen (Moishe Perelroisen): Esther and her elder brother David were the only two children of Solomon and Perel to emigrate. Esther left much later than David, and went first to Canada. Read more…

Malieh and Solomon c. 1950

Line of Malieh

Malieh Maidenberg and Solomon Rosenberg: Malieh was the youngest of the seven children of Solomon and Perel. She was also a correspondent with her American relatives. She was born in 1902, and was just four when her brother David emigrated to America. She was 24 when her sister Esther left for Canada. Read more…